
Brannen, T., A Commercial Insurance Study of Vaginal Delivery and Cesarean Section Rates at New Hampshire Hospitals, New Hampshire Insurance Departmen... Learn More
There are several phases of APCD development, including planning activities, implementation activities, and information production. Each of these phas... Learn More
Love, D. and Sullivan, E., Cost and Funding Considerations for a Statewide All-Payer Claims Database (APCD), APCD Council, NAHDO, and NHIPP, March 201... Learn More
The New Hampshire Insurance Department (NHID) analyzed commercial insurance claims data from the New Hampshire Comprehensive Health Information System... Learn More
To guide state health care delivery and payment reform policies, state governments require high quality health data sources. Data collected directly f... Learn More
This document outlines the health-related activities of states in 2010, which were primarily driven by the ongoing effects of the downturn in the Amer... Learn More
This fact sheet will discuss two essential data sources, Hospital Discharge Databases (HDDs) and AllPayer Claims Databases (APCDs), which a growing nu... Learn More
These databases hold the potential for a much deeper understanding of quality and cost of care across populations. Learn More
In the context of the current national dialog about health care and reform, states are trying to better understand and control healthcare costs and ut... Learn More
Based on ongoing work with states and reflects current knowledge about states’ APCD initiatives. Learn More