
CIVHC State Agency vs. Qualified Entity Comparison Document Learn More
The current iteration of the Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC)’s Medical Care Data Base (MCDB) supports the collection of post-adjudicated claim... Learn More
For the 2007–2011 Vermont Health Care Cost and Utilization Report, the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) presented state-level benchmarked statistics ... Learn More
All-payer claims databases are being developed in states across the nation to fill gaps in information about the healthcare system. The value of such ... Learn More
All-payer claims databases are being developed in states across the nation to fill gaps in information about the health care system. The value of such... Learn More
All-payer claims databases are being developed in states across the nation to fill gaps in information about the healthcare system. The value of such ... Learn More
Over the past 10 years, a growing number of states have established state-sponsored all-payer claims database (APCD) systems to fill critical informat... Learn More
The purpose of this paper is to assist states embarking on APCD initiatives by highlighting key considerations for building statewide APCDs and potent... Learn More
Provides information on the current landscape of APCD legislation while highlighting the most critical features of legislation to date. Intended for u... Learn More
This paper provides guidance to states that are planning to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) and/or Request for Information (RFI) for All-Payer Cla... Learn More