
The All Payer Claims Database (APCD) Council has collected and compiled responses to key questions posed to regulators in APCD states since the March ... Learn More
This publication details the importance of state APCD data for employers and illustrates the ways state APCD data are used to support the needs of imp... Learn More
For decades, the prices that hospitals and physicians charge private insurers have been treated as trade secrets. Even though inflated prices are an e... Learn More
This NYSHealth-funded report, prepared by the APCD Council, examines the issues related to the development of regulations and policies for an all-paye... Learn More
With support from the Gary and Mary West Health Policy Center, the APCD Council has developed model legislation guidance for states to develop all-pay... Learn More
The new analysis, based on interviews with a wide range of health care stakeholders and experts, shows that consumer use of HealthCost has remained mo... Learn More
Presents a report on total cost of care measurement activities in four states - Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Vermont.  Learn More
Titled "All-Payer Claims Database Development Manual: Establishing a Foundation for Health Care Transparency and Informed Decision Making," the manual... Learn More
This is the first report by the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) in cooperation with the Green Mountain Care Board (GMCB) about the health care trend... Learn More
All Payer Claims Databases (APCDs) have grown in popularity over the last few years, with more than 30 states now having an APCD in place, in process,... Learn More