
Resource Category Carriers Purpose
Health Care Cost and Utilization Report
This is the first report by the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) in cooperation with the Green Mountain Care Board (GMCB) about the health care trend...
State: Vermont
Consumers, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers Commercial Cost, Utilization
Core Metrics Dashboard for Risk Adjusted Measures
The Maine State Innovation Model (SIM) Core Measures dashboard shows trends on core healthcare measures selected by a statewide group of healthcare le...
State: Maine
Consumers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Population Health, Researchers Commercial, Medicare Utilization
CIVHC Utilization Spot Analysis: Free Standing Emergency Departments
This report finds that Coloradans using new free standing emergency departments (FSEDs) for non-life threatening conditions are paying more than if th...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Health Reform, Providers, Researchers Commercial Cost, Utilization
Leading Indicators for Oregon's Health Care Transformation
The Oregon Health Authority published this report on using data from their state All-Payer All-Claims Database. The report examines the outcomes of tr...
State: Oregon
Consumers, Employers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost, Utilization
Spending and Use Among Maryland's Privately Fully Insured
This study examines changes in healthcare expenditure and utilization in the individual and small group markets following the implementation of new in...
State: Maryland
Employers, Health Reform, Insurance Department Commercial Cost, Utilization
Assessment of Changes in Advanced Imaging Referrals by Orthopedists 2010-2012
This study examines the trends in prescribing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) services in Maryland following the divestiture of ownership of MRI devi...
State: Maryland
Health Reform, Insurance Department, Providers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Utilization
Utah Health Status Update: Using Clinical Risk Groups to Analyze the Utah All Payer Claims Data
Utah All Payer Claims Database (APCD) uses the 3M Clinical Risk Group (CRG) software to show clinically-meaningful categories using diagnoses, procedu...
State: Utah
Insurance Department, Medicaid, Population Health, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid Cost, Utilization
Small Geographic Area Variations in Prescription Drug Use
This study seeks to quantify variation in pediatric pharmacotherapy across small geographic regions and payer type (commercial or Medicaid). All-payer...
State: Maine
Consumers, Medicaid, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid Utilization
NH HealthCost Website
The HealthCost website (http://www.nhhealthcost.org/) provides information for consumers and employers about the price of medical care in New Hampshir...
Consumers, Employers, Insurance Department, Providers, Researchers Commercial Cost, Quality, Utilization
Green Mountain Care Board Data Analytic Plan
Health care accounts for nearly one-fifth of the state economy. Spending is growing faster than any measure of our ability to pay. At the same time, t...
State: Vermont
Consumers, Health Reform, Population Health, Providers Commercial Quality, Utilization