
Resource Category Carriers Purpose
A Commercial Insurance Study of Vaginal Delivery and Cesarean Section Rates at New Hampshire Hospitals, NHID, April 2011
Using claims data from the NH Comprehensive Health Information System (NHCHIS), the New Hampshire Insurance Department (NHID) performed this analysis ...
Insurance Department, Providers Commercial Cost, Quality, Utilization
MA My HealthCare Options Website
MyHealthCareOptions is a web-based health care resource created and managed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Health Care Quality and Cost Council ...
Consumers, Employers, Providers Commercial Cost, Quality, Utilization
The Dartmouth Atlas of Children's Health Care of Northern New England
The project published an Atlas and the project's first journal paper was released online August 2014 in Pediatrics (Weinstein SJ, House SA, Chang...
Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Quality
Hospital Variation in Health Care Utilization by Children with Medical Complexity
The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice completed this follow-on study to its 2013 Dartmouth Atlas of Children’s Health Care...
State: Vermont
Consumers, Population Health, Researchers Commercial Cost, Quality, Utilization
Vermont’s Community-Oriented All-Payer Medical Home Model Reduces Expenditures and Utilization While Delivering High-Quality Care
This study was published in the national journal "Population Health Management" and evaluates the Vermont Blueprint for Health’s overall pro...
State: Vermont
Consumers, Health Reform, Population Health, Researchers Commercial Cost, Quality, Utilization
Vermont Hospital Service Area (HSA) Profiles
The Vermont Blueprint's HSA Profiles contain a broad set of population-based measures based on eligibility and claims data supplied to the state&...
State: Vermont
Consumers, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost, Quality, Utilization
Vermont’s Community-Oriented All-Payer Medical Home Model Reduces Expenditures and Utilization While Delivering High-Quality Care
Patient-centered medical home programs using different design and implementation strategies are being tested across the United States, and the impact ...
State: Vermont
Consumers, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost, Quality, Utilization
NH HealthCost Website
The HealthCost website (http://www.nhhealthcost.org/) provides information for consumers and employers about the price of medical care in New Hampshir...
Consumers, Employers, Insurance Department, Providers, Researchers Commercial Cost, Quality, Utilization
Green Mountain Care Board Data Analytic Plan
Health care accounts for nearly one-fifth of the state economy. Spending is growing faster than any measure of our ability to pay. At the same time, t...
State: Vermont
Consumers, Health Reform, Population Health, Providers Commercial Quality, Utilization
Performance of the Massachusetts Health Care System: Annual Report September 2016
The Center for Health Information and Analysis' (CHIA) annual report on the Massachusetts healthcare system monitors quality and cost trends over...
Consumers, Employers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost, Quality, Utilization