Resource | Category | Carriers | Purpose |
Healthcare Payments Data (HPD) Snapshot The Healthcare Payments Data Snapshot is an overview of data currently available as submitted in the HPD System with visualizations that allow users t...
Consumers, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Researchers | Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare | Utilization |
Insurance Coverage Transitions After Disenrollment From Medicaid in Minnesota Little is known about where, or how quickly, people gain new health insurance after exiting Medicaid. Understanding these dynamics may be particularly...
State: Minnesota |
Consumers, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers | Medicaid | Cost |
Surveillance of the Initiation of, Participation in, and Completion of Cardiac Rehabilitation in Minnesota, 2017–2018 An article published in the April 13, 2023 issue of the CDC's 'Preventing Chronic Disease' journal uses data from the Minnesota All Pay...
State: Minnesota |
Medicaid, Providers, Researchers | Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare | Quality, Utilization |
Community Checkup: Improving Health Care in Washington State A recent Washington Health Alliance report examined the cost of healthcare through an equity lens, and found that where people live in the state has a...
State: Washington |
Consumers, Employers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers | Commercial, Medicaid | Cost, Quality, Utilization |
Chronic Respiratory Diseases A Comparison of Prevalence, Utilization, and Payments in New Hampshire Medicaid and Commercially Insured Populations This study evaluated three chronic respiratory diseases: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer. New Hampshire (NH) Med...
State: New Hampshire |
Medicaid, Population Health | Commercial, Medicaid | Cost, Quality, Utilization |
CO All Payer Claims Database Reporting Website In 2012, Colorado's Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVIC) launched the Colorado All Payer Claims Database website in an effort to ach...
State: Colorado |
Consumers, Employers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Population Health, Providers | Commercial, Medicaid | Cost, Quality, Utilization |
NH HealthWRQS Website The New Hampshire Health Web Reporting and Query System, or NH HealthWRQS, is a web-based data analysis system that allows public health practitioners...
State: New Hampshire |
Consumers, Researchers | Commercial, Medicaid | Utilization |
Analysis of Price Variations in New Hampshire Hospitals Using claims data from the New Hampshire Comprehensive Health Care Information System (NHCHIS) for CY2009, the NHID contracted with the Center for Hea...
State: New Hampshire |
Consumers, Insurance Department, Providers | Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare | Cost, Utilization |
Depression Among New Hampshire Medicaid Members This study profiled NH Medicaid members’ health care experience during the period of January 1, 2005 – December 31, 2005 (CY2005) based on claims paid...
State: New Hampshire |
Medicaid, Population Health | Medicaid | Cost, Utilization |
Snapshot report- Total Imaging Services The following report shows utilization of services by geography (rate of Imaging Services per thousand people in the area) as well as average facility...
State: Colorado |
Commercial, Medicaid | Cost, Utilization |