
This report provides an assessment of using state APCD data in MN to support a state-based risk adjustment program for the Minnesota market. The repor... Learn More
The WA-APCD health measures dashboards offer publicly available data reports which include a comparison of statewide and Accountable Communities of He... Learn More
This is the second study on prescription drug use and spending released from CHIA. For this analysis, CHIA used a subset of commercial pharmacy claims... Learn More
Use of telehealth services was rising before the onset of the novel coronavirus pandemic. From January 2018 to February 2020, telehealth utilization v... Learn More
A research study that measures special care days (SCDs) (intermediate or intensive), length of stay, and readmission rates among low-risk neonates acr... Learn More
The Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC), using data from the Colorado All Payer Claims Database (CO APCD) updated the Telehealth Service... Learn More
In this DataByte, Utah’s All Payer Claim Database (APCD) 2020 vaccination data trend is compared with the 2019 vaccination data trend[1]. The APCD con... Learn More
The New England Public Policy Center at the Boston Fed recently released a report entitled “Medication-assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in R... Learn More
Goal: Assess the completeness of the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS) and obtain an accurate count of the number of immunizing provider... Learn More
Goal: Assess the completeness of the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS) and obtain an accurate count of the number of immunizing provider... Learn More
Background: The purpose of the project is to analyze the medical trends in Colorado and determine the appropriate average trend to be used by insuranc... Learn More
Background: The purpose of the project is to analyze the medical trends in Colorado and determine the appropriate average trend to be used by insuranc... Learn More
The vision for this network is that it will support a broad array of data uses including development of improved quality metrics using both clinical a... Learn More
Background: The purpose of this project is to gather information about the impact of a bundled palliative care service on patient medical and behavior... Learn More
Data Analyzed: Total charges, allowed, plan paid, and member liability for all claims in the APCD database by county and payer.  In addition, Lockton ... Learn More
Goal: This healthcare provider wanted to be able to analyze de-identified medical claims data for total knee and hip replacements and spinal fusion su... Learn More
Background: The majority of family planning service clinics are publicly funded and serve a very high-need population. Having good data to help them s... Learn More
This bundled payment analysis seeks to conduct bundled payment analysis to identify where Colorado hospitals may have opportunities to reduce variatio... Learn More
Background: The purpose of the project is to analyze loss experience for the 2014 geographic rating areas, and determine if revised geographic rating ... Learn More
Through this study, Project Angel Heart hopes to examine the cost patterns of clients prior to service, during service, and post- service, as well as ... Learn More