
Resource Category Carriers Purpose
Cost Driver Spot Analysis: Payment Variation by Payer
This report discusses significant variation in payments for hip and knee replacements between private health insurance payers and Medicare in Colorado...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Health Reform, Medicaid, Researchers Commercial, Medicare Cost
Cost Driver Spot Analysis: Drug Cost Savings Potential Vimovo and Duexis
The Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) examined trends in Vimovo and Duexis prescriptions from 2012-2016 using data from the Colorado ...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid Cost, Utilization
Trends in Teen Pregnancy Rates for CO Medicaid Population 2009-2014
The Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) analyzed Colorado All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) data from 2009-2014 to examine trends in teen...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Medicaid Quality
EpiPen Prescription Cost Trends
The Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) analyzed trends in EpiPen prescription costs from 2009-2016 for Medicaid and commercial payers. ...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Employers, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid Cost
Data Byte: Emergency Department Severity-Level Trends by Line of Business
The Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) used 2009-2016 claims data from the Colorado All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) to examine trends ...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Health Reform, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Utilization
Interactive Colorado Cost of Care Report
Colorado's Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) analyzed cost of care for Coloradans across the state using data from 2012-2015. CIV...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Employers, Medicaid, Population Health, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost
Utah Health Status Update: Initial Diagnosis of Opioid Naive Patients
The Utah Department of Health's September 2017 Health Status Update features significant public health events that occurred in the state. The Dep...
State: Utah
Consumers, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid Cost, Quality, Utilization
Drug Problem Grows Worse in Martinsville, Henry County
A recent study observing the West Piedmont Health District of Virginia found that over a short five month period, this area experienced the third wors...
State: Virginia
Consumers, Employers, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid Quality, Utilization
Evaluation of the Minnesota Accountable Health Model
Minnesota's State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) evaluated the success of the State Innovation Model (SIM) initiative from 2015-20...
State: Minnesota
Health Reform, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost, Quality, Utilization
Population-Level Estimates Of Telemedicine Service Provision Using An All-Payer Claims Database in Minnesota
In recent years state and federal policies have encouraged the use of telemedicine by formalizing payments for it. Telemedicine has the<br /> potenti...
State: Minnesota
Medicaid, Population Health Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost, Utilization