Insurance Department

Resource Category Carriers Purpose
Payments to providers: an inside look at carrier discounts, NHID, January 2010
Using claims data from the NH Comprehensive Health Information System (NHCHIS), the New Hampshire Insurance Department (NHID) performed an analysis of...
Consumers, Insurance Department, Providers Commercial Cost
Massachusetts Health Care Coverage: Enrollment Trends
The July 2015 edition of the Massachusetts Health Care Coverage: Enrollment Trends, offers new insights into changes in health insurance coverage thro...
Consumers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Population Health Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Utilization
Assessment of Vermont’s Claims Database to Support Insurance Rate Review, VHCURES, July 2011
In collaboration with Compass Health Analytics and Onpoint Health Data, the State of Vermont Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities, and Health ...
State: Vermont
Health Reform, Insurance Department Commercial Cost
Massachusetts My Healthcare Options
Massachusetts led the nation in 2006 with a comprehensive health care reform law and the establishment of a new Marketplace: the Massachusetts Health ...
Consumers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Population Health Commercial, Medicare Utilization
Core Metrics Dashboard for Risk Adjusted Measures
The Maine State Innovation Model (SIM) Core Measures dashboard shows trends on core healthcare measures selected by a statewide group of healthcare le...
State: Maine
Consumers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Population Health, Researchers Commercial, Medicare Utilization
Leading Indicators for Oregon's Health Care Transformation
The Oregon Health Authority published this report on using data from their state All-Payer All-Claims Database. The report examines the outcomes of tr...
State: Oregon
Consumers, Employers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost, Utilization
2008-2009 Professional Services Utilization: Trends Among Privately Insured Patients
This report examines the use of professional health services by privately insured Maryland residents in 2009 and the payments made to practitioners fo...
State: Maryland
Health Reform, Insurance Department, Providers Commercial Cost
Spending and Use Among Maryland's Privately Fully Insured
This study examines changes in healthcare expenditure and utilization in the individual and small group markets following the implementation of new in...
State: Maryland
Employers, Health Reform, Insurance Department Commercial Cost, Utilization
Payment for Professional Services In Maryland: Factors Contributing to Variation and Comparison to Public Payers
This study examines variation in payment rate among commercial carriers in Maryland and compares this with Medicare and Medicaid payment rates. The im...
State: Maryland
Health Reform, Insurance Department, Providers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost
Impact of the Assignment of Benefits Legislation
The Maryland Health Care Commission's report assesses the impact of the Assignment of Benefits and Reimbursement of Nonpreferred Providers law en...
State: Maryland
Consumers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Providers Commercial Cost