
Resource Category Carriers Purpose
State Innovation Model (SIM) Proxy Measure: Hypertension
The Center For Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) analyzed hypertension in adults across the nation, with a special focus on those in Colorado. Th...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost, Quality, Utilization
State Innovation Model (SIM) Proxy Measure: Diabetes
The Center For Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) analyzed diabetes in adults aged 18-75 across the nation with a special focus on those in Colora...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost, Quality
Analyze Health CT Website
This website allows Connecticut residents access to healthcare information derived from historic claims data. Reports published by Analyze Health CT b...
Consumers, Health Reform, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost, Quality, Utilization
Utah Healthscape: Maternity Costs
This Healthscape highlights the median costs for having a baby in Utah. The costs cover routine, uncomplicated care for a mother and baby. Some health...
State: Utah
Consumers Commercial Cost
Oregon Hospital Payment Report
This report details the median amounts paid by commercial insurers for the most common inpatient and outpatient procedures performed in Oregon hospita...
State: Oregon
Consumers, Health Reform, Providers, Researchers Commercial Cost
Top 300 Dental Procedures by Volume in the CO APCD
The CO APCD contains dental claims submitted by payers who provide coverage in Colorado. This report identifies the top 300 dental procedures by volum...
State: Colorado
Consumers Utilization
Race and Ethnicity Data in the CO APCD
Two fields - Race and Hispanic Indicator -  became required for payers to submit to the CO APCD in September 2019. This file describes the state of da...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Health Reform, Population Health Cost, Quality, Utilization
Top 100 Brand and Generic Commercial Prescription Drugs
This analysis provides information on the top 100 generic and top 100 brand commercial prescription drugs from 2019 based on highest spend (total allo...
State: Colorado
Consumers Commercial Cost, Utilization
Quality Measures: Diabetes A1C Testing and Breast Cancer Screening
This report includes summary tables of two quality measures based on nationally endorsed specifications and used by national and state-sponsored progr...
State: Colorado
Consumers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Quality
Potential Impact of COVID-19 Temporary Cessation of Elective Procedures
This analysis based on paid amounts and utilization of services in the Colorado All Payer Claims Database (CO ACPD) provides a summary of payments for...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Researchers Cost, Utilization