To guide state health care delivery and payment reform policies, state governments require high quality health data sources. Data collected directly from health care facilities (hospitals, emergency departments, and ambulatory surgery centers) and health insurers provide powerful sources of information about the health care delivery system and the populations they serve and cover. This fact sheet will discuss two essential data sources, Hospital Discharge Databases (HDDs) and All- Payer Claims Databases (APCDs), which a growing number of states are using to monitor and understand health care delivery performance and health care use by their population.

Denise Love, Claudia Steiner

Denise Love, Executive Director of NAHDO
Claudia Steiner, Senior Research Physician, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Love, D. and Steiner, C., Key State Health Care Databases for Improving Health Care Delivery, APCD Council, NAHDO, and NHIHPP, February 2011.


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