Who Maintains the System
- University of Texas Center for Healthcare Data
Texas has a voluntary claims data collection effort through the University of Texas Center for Healthcare Data. They collect medical and pharmacy claims that account for 65% of the Texas population. The Center for health Care Data has obtained a variety of Commercial, Medicaid and Medicare claims and electronic Medical Records data sets. Texas has also attempted mandating an APCD for the state. In 2011, the Texas Legislature passed SB 7 in the first special session of the 82nd Legislature. Article 3 of the bill created the Texas Institute of Health Care Quality and Efficiency at the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). The Institute was required to create a state plan to improve the quality and efficiency of health care delivery, and study and make recommendations on various issues. One of these issues is the feasibility and desirability of establishing an APCD. The Institute was dissolved in 2015 and, as of 2017, no new efforts to establish an APCD in Texas are in process.
HB 2090 was introduced on March 15, 2021. This bill relates "to the establishment of a statewide all payer claims database and health care cost disclosures by health benefit plan issuers and third-party administrators. It was signed by the Governor on June 7, 2021, and the statute effective date is September 1, 2021.
SB 1135, which relates "to the establishment of a statewide all payor claims database to store publicly accessible information," was introduced March 8, 2021 and is currently in process.
HB 1907 is a companion bill to SB 1135, also currently in process, and relates "to the establishment of a statewide all payor claims database to increase public transparency of health care data and improve quality of health care in this state."