Exploring the Cost of Colonoscopy in Utah

APCD Colonoscopy report cover
March 2021

Contact: Brantley Scott
Email: bsscott@utah.gov

The Utah Department of Health, Office of Health Care Statistics (OHCS) produced this report at the request and under the direction of the Transparency Advisory Group (TAG). The TAG is a subcommittee of the Utah Health Data Committee (HDC). The mission of the Transparency Advisory Group is to identify opportunities to make high value information on health care cost and quality available to Utahns—including businesses, consumers, and providers. The Transparency Advisory Group also plans outreach and connections with stakeholders across Utah, and provides expertise, guidance, feedback, and input on data publications, to comply with state law (26-33a).

Consistent with this mission, the Transparency Advisory Group selected colonoscopies as a procedure with high health care value for Utahns. This report identifies differences in costs between certain facilities as well as the variation that can exist within a health care provider.

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