Evaluation of the Minnesota Accountable Health Model

Evaluation of the Minnesota Accountable Health Model report cover
September 2017

Contact: SHADAC
Email:  health.apcd@state.mn.us

Minnesota's State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) evaluated the success of the State Innovation Model (SIM) initiative from 2015-2017. SIM provided funding and support to transform healthcare payment and delivery systems with the aims of lowering costs, improving quality, and improving population health. Minnesota's SIM model was used to advance the Minnesota Accountable Health Model. SHADAC found thatthe SIM initiative expanded Minnesota's Medicaid Accountable Care Organization (ACO) project, increased the number of organizations participating in alternative payment models (APMs), and expanded the capacity of the state's Health Information Exchange (HIE), among other achievements. The SIM initiative helped Minnesota move toward a health system that promotes person-centered care, holds providers accountable for cost and quality, and implements collaborative approaches to achieve health goals.

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