Assist Family Planning Centers with Setting Rates

Colorado APCD website screenshot
June 2013

Contact: Center for Improving Value in Health Care

Background: The majority of family planning service clinics are publicly funded and serve a very high-need population. Having good data to help them set appropriate rates for their services will help these clinics secure more sustainable funding streams and ensure that important family planning services continue to be available for all Colorado residents in need. Family planning services are proven to provide cost savings and play an important role in prevention.

Goals: Develop rates for family planning clinics access enabling more sustainable funding streams (like Medicaid and private insurance revenue), an ensuring long-term access to quality reproductive health services for all Coloradans.

Data Analyzed: Allowable amounts paid for CPT codes commonly associated with reproductive health visits.

Results: The APCD data provided a point of reference for family planning clinics to set up contracts with private insurers, ensure that their sliding fee scales were in line with market value of the services and help project future revenue.

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