Assessing the Impact of Cost-Sharing Policy Changes on the Use of Preventive Services

Colorado APCD website screenshot
March 2015

Contact: Colorado APCD

Background: One of the first provisions of the federal Affordable Care Act to be implemented was the requirement that Medicare and all private insurance plans cover preventive services graded A and B by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force with no cost sharing to the consumer. The purpose of this change was to eliminate cost barriers for high-value preventive services that are associated with improved health outcomes. These federal changes became effective September 2010. The state of Colorado took similar action prior to the ACA, requiring individual and group insurance policies to cover several preventive services without deductibles or coinsurance effective January 1, 2010.

Goal: To analyze the efficacy of these policy changes, the Colorado Health Institute proposes conducting a claims analysis to measure changes in utilization of these services between 2009 through 2013.

Data Analyzed: Specific procedure codes for a selected age population, evaluating utilization for these populations.

Results: In progress.

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