
Resource Category Carriers Purpose
In Three States, Growth In Prescription Drug Spending Is Unaffordable Even When Accounting For Rebates
Over the past five years, several states have implemented statewide cost growth targets to increase transparency and accountability around the drivers...
Consumers, Insurance Department, Researchers Commercial Cost
Naloxone Prescription in Response to the Opioid Epidemic
In response to the opioid epidemic, policies to expand access to the overdose-reversal drug naloxone — e.g., allowing pharmacists to dispense naloxone...
State: Arkansas
Consumers, Insurance Department, Population Health, Providers Commercial, Medicaid Utilization
Review of Third-Party Specialty Pharmacy Use for Clinician-Administered Drugs
"In this report, required by Section 130 of Chapter 47 of the Acts of 2017, the Massachusetts Health Policy Commission (HPC) examines the prevale...
Consumers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicare Cost, Utilization
Healthcare Payments Data (HPD) Snapshot
The Healthcare Payments Data Snapshot is an overview of data currently available as submitted in the HPD System with visualizations that allow users t...
Consumers, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Utilization
Surveillance of the Initiation of, Participation in, and Completion of Cardiac Rehabilitation in Minnesota, 2017–2018
An article published in the April 13, 2023 issue of the CDC's 'Preventing Chronic Disease' journal uses data from the Minnesota All Pay...
State: Minnesota
Medicaid, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Quality, Utilization
CO All Payer Claims Database Reporting Website
In 2012, Colorado's Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVIC) launched the Colorado All Payer Claims Database website in an effort to ach...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Employers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Population Health, Providers Commercial, Medicaid Cost, Quality, Utilization
The Impact of Aging on Medical Care Services Covered by Commercial Insurance in New Hampshire, NHID, August 2010
Using data from the NH Comprehensive Health Information System (NHCHIS), the New Hampshire Insurance Department (NHID) and the NH Center for Public Po...
Insurance Department Commercial Cost
Vermont Hospital Service Area (HSA) Profiles
The Vermont Blueprint's HSA Profiles contain a broad set of population-based measures based on eligibility and claims data supplied to the state&...
State: Vermont
Consumers, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost, Quality, Utilization
Massachusetts My Healthcare Options
Massachusetts led the nation in 2006 with a comprehensive health care reform law and the establishment of a new Marketplace: the Massachusetts Health ...
Consumers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Population Health Commercial, Medicare Utilization
Leading Indicators for Oregon's Health Care Transformation
The Oregon Health Authority published this report on using data from their state All-Payer All-Claims Database. The report examines the outcomes of tr...
State: Oregon
Consumers, Employers, Health Reform, Insurance Department, Medicaid, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost, Utilization