
The New England Public Policy Center at the Boston Fed recently released a report entitled “Medication-assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in R... Learn More
The vision for this network is that it will support a broad array of data uses including development of improved quality metrics using both clinical a... Learn More
Background: The majority of family planning service clinics are publicly funded and serve a very high-need population. Having good data to help them s... Learn More
Through this study, Project Angel Heart hopes to examine the cost patterns of clients prior to service, during service, and post- service, as well as ... Learn More
Goal: Evaluate prior coverage analysis, de-identified and aggregated by payer, which depicts measures of data quantity (number of members, number of c... Learn More
This research entity will define patterns of opioid analgesia and prolonged opioid use in a large cohort study of patients that underwent major inpati... Learn More
This study determined the rates of long-term opioid prescription-filling behavior after common orthopaedic surgical procedures in patients who were no... Learn More
Washington State Office of Financial Management staff used the WA-APCD to run Pharmacy Quality Alliance Opioid Prescribing Measures for 2014-2018. Learn More
This analysis presents the number and count of deliveries and births that occurred between 2014-2018 for Commercially insured and Medicaid insured mem... Learn More
This investigation was undertaken to assess links between lung cancer screening (LCS) annual adherence and demographic, comorbidity, health care usage... Learn More
This report describes variation in blood pressure medication adherence among Minnesotans and provides strategies to improve adherence. Learn More
Analysis of claims data from the APCD indicates that reducing the rate of cesarean deliveries in Colorado by just 10 percent (consistent with the Heal... Learn More
Colorado's State Innovation Model (SIM) seeks to measure and improve care for Coloradans living with chronic asthma. Relying on Colorado all-paye... Learn More
The Center For Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) analyzed hypertension in adults across the nation, with a special focus on those in Colorado. Th... Learn More
The Center For Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) analyzed diabetes in adults aged 18-75 across the nation with a special focus on those in Colora... Learn More
The Vermont Healthcare Claims Uniform Reporting and Evaluation System (VHCURES), Vermont’s all-payer claims database, was used in combination with oth... Learn More
This study evaluated a variety of health care measures to compare children enrolled in New Hampshire Medicaid (excluding severely disabled children), ... Learn More
This report is the first multi-state analysis using statewide all-payer commercial claims data. The analysis includes selected measures of health care... Learn More
This website allows recipients, providers, and policy makers to view population-based health snapshots of people served by the Medicaid program. Learn More
This dataset explores price variation for COVID-19 testing based on where Coloradans received the test in terms of setting (ER, Outpatient facility, o... Learn More