
Resource Category Carriers Purpose
Spatial Analysis Study: The Development of Primary Care Service Areas for the State of Vermont, VHCURES, February 2013
The Vermont Healthcare Claims Uniform Reporting and Evaluation System (VHCURES), Vermont’s all-payer claims database, was used in combination with oth...
State: Vermont
Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid Cost, Utilization
OnPoint - Tri-State Variation in Health Services Utilization and Expenditures in Northern New England
This report is the first multi-state analysis using statewide all-payer commercial claims data. The analysis includes selected measures of health care...
State: Vermont
Population Health, Providers Commercial Cost, Utilization
Oregon Hospital Payment Report
This report details the median amounts paid by commercial insurers for the most common inpatient and outpatient procedures performed in Oregon hospita...
State: Oregon
Consumers, Health Reform, Providers, Researchers Commercial Cost
State Innovation Model Proxy Measure: Breast Cancer Screening
Using nationally accepted specifications, methodologies were established using health insurance claims across Medicare, Medicaid and commercial payers...
State: Colorado
Consumers, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Cost, Quality, Utilization
Patient, Provider, and Health Care System Characteristics Associated With Overuse in Bronchiolitis
This study determined the patient, provider, and health care system characteristics that are associated with receipt of low-value services.
State: Virginia
Providers, Researchers Quality
The role of all-payer claims databases to expand central cancer registries: Experience from Colorado
A study from Colorado linking ACPD and Cancer registry claims
State: Colorado
Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Quality
Analysis of Health System Size and Variability in Diabetic Eye Disease Screening in Wisconsin
This study used an all-payer, Wisconsin statewide claims database to assess screening variability across health systems and to determine whether a pat...
State: Wisconsin
Consumers, Health Reform, Providers Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare Utilization
Factors Associated With Opioid Overdose After an Initial Opioid Prescription
Scott Weiner, MD, MPH, Department of Emergency Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, led a team of investigators in conducting a cohort study t...
State: Oregon
Consumers, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid Utilization
Health Care Costs in Washington Grew 13% between 2016-2019
This report was produced by Onpoint Health Data and used data from Washington’s All-Payer Claims Database ( It looks at claims between...
State: Washington
Consumers, Employers, Insurance Department, Providers, Researchers Commercial Cost
BRCA1/2 testing among young women with breast cancer in Massachusetts, 2010-2013: An observational study using state cancer registry and All-Payer claims data
Analysis linking Massachusetts' All-Payer Claims Database with Massachusetts Cancer Registry data to assess factors associated with BRCA1/2 testi...
Consumers, Employers, Population Health, Providers, Researchers Commercial, Medicaid Quality